Research areas
Learning software
Gamification; intelligent tutoring; effective learning; teaching innovation.
Artificial intelligence
Virtual assistants; robotic process automation (RPA); bigdata.
Systems Audit
Software audit; audit automation; IT governance; cybersecurity.
Intelligent systems; software engineering; software processes.
Faúndez-Ugalde, A., & Mellado-Silva, R. (2023). Use of robotic process automation by tax administrations and impact on human rights. Revista Chilena de Derecho y Tecnología, 12.
Silva-Palavecinos, B., & Mellado-Silva, R. (2023). Evolución de la investigación contable en Chile: Revisión a 20 años de trabajo y perspectivas futuras. Cuadernos de Contabilidad, 24, 1–21.
Mellado-Silva, R., Cubillos, C., Cabrera-Paniagua, D., & Urra, E. (2022). Flow-Shop Scheduling Problem Applied to the Planning of Repair and Maintenance of Electromedical Equipment in the Hospital Industry. Processes, 10(12), Article 12.
Mellado-Silva, R., Figueroa, C. C., Rodriguez, A. G. (2021). Learning object-oriented programming using adaptive educational software, in: 2021 40th International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society (SCCC). Presented at the 2021 40th International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society (SCCC), pp. 1–8.
Mellado-Silva, R., Faúndez-Ugalde, A., Lobos, M.B., 2020. Learning tax regulations through rules-based chatbots using decision trees: a case study at the time of COVID-19, in: 2020 39th International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society (SCCC). Presented at the 2020 39th International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society (SCCC), pp. 1–8.
Mellado-Silva, R., Faúndez-Ugalde, A., Blanco-Lobos, M., 2020. Effective Learning of Tax Regulations using Different Chatbot Techniques. Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal 5, 8.
Cabrera, D., Cubillos, C., Urra, E., Mellado, R., 2020. Framework for Incorporating Artificial Somatic Markers in the Decision-Making of Autonomous Agents. Applied Sciences 10, 7361.
Vergara, C., Saavedra, C., Mellado-Silva, R., 2020. Effects of the use of Bigdata on the economy within stock-broker companies. IOSR Journal of Business and Management 22, 18–27.
Faúndez-Ugalde, A., Mellado-Silva, R., Aldunate-Lizana, E., 2020. Use of artificial intelligence by tax administrations: An analysis regarding taxpayers’ rights in Latin American countries. Computer Law & Security Review 38, 105441.
Mellado, R., Faúndez-Ugalde, A., Blanco, M., 2020. The audit process in companies that implement software engineering projects. International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR) 4.
Urra, E., Cubillos, C., Cabrera‐Paniagua, D., Mellado, R., 2019. hMod: A software framework for assembling highly detailed heuristics algorithms. Software: Practice and Experience 49, 971–994.
Mellado, Rafael, María, T.B.L., Antonio, F.U., Hanns, D.L.F.M., 2019. Support to the learning of the Chilean tax system using artificial intelligence through a chatbot., 2019 38th International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society (SCCC). Presented at the 2019 38th International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society (SCCC), pp. 1–8.
Mellado, R., Blanco, M., Cubillos, C., Fuente, H.D.L., Faúndez, A., 2019. Learning of Information Technologies in Administration Sciences through gamification techniques. , 2019 IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON). Presented at the 2019 IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON), pp. 1–7.
González, N., Cubillos, C., Roncagliolo, S., Mellado, R., 2019. Study Case of an Adaptive Educational Tool Oriented to University Students for an Object Orientation Course., Meiselwitz, G. (Ed.), Social Computing and Social Media. Communication and Social Communities, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer International Publishing, pp. 153–169.
Mellado, R., Melgarejo, B., Velasquez, C., Cubillos, C., Roncagliolo, S., Gonzalez, N., 2018. ROLE video game tool for teaching myths and legends to school basic students., in: 2018 37th International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society (SCCC). Presented at the 2018 37th International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society (SCCC), pp. 1–8.
Barbaguelatta, E., Mellado, R., Diaz, F., Cubillos, C., 2018. X9: An Adaptive Learning Platform for Geometry at School Level., in: 2018 37th International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society (SCCC). Presented at the 2018 37th International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society (SCCC), pp. 1–9.
Díaz, F.S., Rubilar, T.P., Figueroa, C.C.,Mellado, R., 2018. An Adaptive E-Learning Platform with VARK Learning Styles to Support the Learning of Object Orientation., in: 2018 IEEE World Engineering Education Conference (EDUNINE). Presented at the 2018 IEEE World Engineering Education Conference (EDUNINE), pp. 1–6.
Cabrera, D., Cubillos, C., Cubillos, A., Urra, E., Mellado, R., 2018. Affective Algorithm for Controlling Emotional Fluctuation of Artificial Investors in Stock Markets. IEEE Access 6, 7610–7624.
Bourgeois, M., Cubillos, C., Mellado, R., Roncagliolo, S., Sentis, F., 2018. Ashy.alRescate(): A videogame for developing basic object oriented programming skills., in: 2018 37th International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society (SCCC). Presented at the 2018 37th International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society (SCCC), pp. 1–7.
Díaz, F., Cubillos, C., Mellado, R., Barbaguelatta, E., 2017. Development of a prototype of e-learning based on ontologies to analyze the impact of learning styles on engineering students., 2017 36th International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society (SCCC). Presented at the 2017 36th International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society (SCCC), pp. 1–9.
Mellado, R., Cubillos, C., Paniagua, D.C., 2016b. A constructive heuristic for solving the Job-Shop Scheduling Problem. IEEE Latin America Transactions 14, 2758–2763.
Mellado, R., Cubillos, C., Cabrera, D., 2016a. Flow-shop scheduling problem applied to programming repair medical equipment.,2016 IEEE International Conference on Automatica (ICA-ACCA). Presented at the 2016 IEEE International Conference on Automatica (ICA-ACCA), pp. 1–9.
Research projects
¿Es posible incorporar en el ordenamiento jurídico chileno un
asistente virtual para el cumplimiento tributario como una
forma de respetar el derecho a la accesibilidad de personas con
discapacidad visual?.
DI EMERGENTE, Vicerrectoría de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados, PUCV.
March 2020, December 2020.
Apoyo al estudiante para el aprendizaje de la estructura
del régimen de tributación de la Ley sobre Impuesto a la
Renta, mediante el uso de inteligencia artificial.
Proyectos de Investigación en Docencia Universitaria, PUCV.
March 2020, December 2020.
Apoyo al estudiante para el aprendizaje del compliance tributario en personas naturales,
mediante el uso de un software simulador.
Proyectos de Investigación en Docencia Universitaria, PUCV.
March 2020, December 2020.
Apoyo al estudiante para el aprendizaje de la estructura del régimen de tributación de la Ley sobre Impuesto a la Renta, mediante el uso de inteligencia artificial.
Proyectos de Innovación en Docencia Universitaria, PUCV.
March 2019, December 2019.
¿Es posible incorporar en el ordenamiento jurídico chileno precedentes administrativos a través de chatbot para el cumplimiento de obligaciones tributarias?. Análisis desde la perspectiva del principio de la confianza legítima.
DI EMERGENTE, Vicerrectoría de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados, PUCV.
April 2019 – January 2020.
Plataforma inteligente de atención a clientes mediante NLP, Ontologías y machine learning. 17COTE-83040.
Contratos Tecnológicos para la Innovación, CORFO.
March 2018 – March 2020.
MADEL: An Agent-Based Adaptive e-Learning Architecture.
Proyectos de Investigación e Innovación regular PUCV.
April 2018 – December 2019.
Aplicación de una plataforma TI educativa inteligente integrando técnicas de gamificación, redes sociales y mundos virtuales.
March 2018 – January 2019.
Plataforma educativa Inteligente.
Semilla Investigación Innovadora Interdisciplinaria, PUCV-CORFO.
March 2017 – March 2018.
Thesis & degree project
Aprendizaje sobre pueblos originarios mediante juegos RPG usando técnicas de gamificación.
Degree project, Civil Engineering in Computer Science.
Sebastián Salinas, Dario Muñoz, December, 2019.
Mecánicas de interacción aplicadas a la conformación de comunidades.
Degree project, Computer science execution engineering.
Vicente Navarrete, December, 2019.
Aplicación de gamificación a plataformas interactivas de uso público.
Degree project, Computer science execution engineering.
Máximo Arnao, Johann Valenzuela, December, 2019.
Desarrollo de una plataforma e-learning para la orientación a objetos utilizando estilos de aprendizaje VARK.
Degree project, Civil Engineering in Computer Science.
Felipe Sentis, Tania Pizarro, December, 2018.
Programa interactivo matemático con gamificación.
Degree project, Computer science execution engineering.
Cristopher Neira, Felipe Perez, December, 2018.
Diseño de herramienta de control y monitoreo de sensores para el diagnóstico de bruxismo.
Degree project, Computer science execution engineering.
Max Moyano, Eduardo Walker, December, 2018.
Software educativo ejercitación de la tabla periódica ”elements”.
Degree project, Computer science execution engineering.
Cristian Rivera, Kevin Torres, December, 2018.
Estudio comparativo de software educativo con gamificación.
Degree project, Computer science execution engineering.
Patricio Gutierres, David Norero, December, 2018.
Reconocimiento automática de patentes.
Degree project, Computer science execution engineering.
Bastián Carvajal, December, 2018.
Herramienta para el aprendizaje de lenguaje de progamación Java.
Degree project, Computer science execution engineering.
Alfonso Gaete, December, 2018.
Desarrollo de videojuego educativo sobre Arturo Prat.
Degree project, Computer science execution engineering.
Bárbara Gutierrez, Favio Valencia, December, 2017.
Software educativo utilizando realidad mixta para la enseñanza del cuerpo humano.
Degree project, Computer science execution engineering.
Bryam Arancibia, Daniela Gonzalez, December, 2017.
Desarrollo de prototipo móvil para el control y registro de asistencia.
Degree project, Computer science execution engineering.
Diego Mayorga, Franco Valerio, December, 2017.
Herramienta educativa sobre reciclaje en realidad aumentada.
Degree project, Computer science execution engineering.
Fernando Pérez, December, 2017.
Software educativo en entorno 3D que permite ejercitar los conocimientos de la Programación Orientada a Objetos con Java.
Degree project, Computer science execution engineering.
Michelle Bourgeois, December, 2017.
Sistema de control para una cooperativa de agua potable.
Degree project, Computer science execution engineering.
Contreras Randal, Guerrero Nicolás, November, 2016.
Planificador multimodal de transporte Valparaíso.
Degree project, Computer science execution engineering.
Morales Felipe, October, 2016.
Implementación de un algoritmo de reconocimiento facial utilizando OpenCV/EmguCV.
Degree project, Computer science execution engineering.
Espinoza David, Jorquera Peter, January, 2016.